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Best 16 Most Wanted Fish in Japan 2022


TFFCC website hosts both Japanese and English articles welcoming access from 155 geo-political regions in the world from Japan to Zimbabwe in 2022. Based on “viewtime" on content recorded on Google Analytics, we determine what species are most popular amongst the entire visitors reading our articles.


2022 received +24% higher visit year on year refelcting +28% from Japan, +26% from Asia, +30% from Americas, and +80% from Africa! However, 3 years of pandemic discouraged producing English information that led to decline of access from Europe by -15% and Oceana by -13%.

Japanese viership is higher than 80% in mix – which impacts 2022 result.

Now without much a do, let’s see how the ranking changed in last year!

BEST 16 – New Faces Knocking Out Familar Ones

#16: Hira Suzuki /Blackfin Seabass (14->16)

Barely staying within the best 16, Black-fin Seabass have become common fly fishing species not only in the Western Japan, but in the Central and even in Tokyo Bay. Due the ongoing climate change, back-fins are pushing their habitas further north each year.

Having big eyes right above its mouth gives this species superb ability to find/refuse fly. Adding its agility and power, Black-fin Seabass makes a premium fly fishing target rivaling its already popular kin: Japanese Seabass.

#15: Ike Katsuo /Double-spotted Queenfish (New!)

Double-spotted Queenfish came in from outside the ranking. Speedster who chase your streamer hard then fight with jumps and dash which makes this species formidable fly fishing target in sub tropical waters. Never underestimate this fish who can claim control of your 10wt fly rod!

#14: Colossoma (Pacu) (New!)

Imported from Costa Rica and stocked in Hamanako Fishing Resort available only summer season.

40cm fish can break your 6wt fly rod, 50cm fish can snap your 20lb leader, 60cm and above fish will ask everything you have. Rumor says that there are above 70cm fish grown, so please be aware.

#13: Lake Trout (18->13)

78cm fish in Lake Chuzenji (Courtsey of Yutaka Tezuka 2022)

Popularity for this Ontario-native migrant trout is rising fast in recent years.

Origianlly stocked in Lake Chuzenji in the 20th Century, you find “Splake", crossbled fish with brook trout, in stock fisheries. Last December we heard a scandal in Lake Motosu where someone has illegally introduced this species.

In TFFCC 2022 season, Tezuka-san caught and released 78cm fish in Lake Chuzenji.

#12: Channel Catfish (New!)

Channel Catfish of Lake Kasumi System (Courtsey of Seiichi Komatsuzawa 2022)

Only recently added to our website but risen to the popularity in 2022. Unlike Japan’s native catfish mostly nocternal, Channel Catfish continues feeding day and night growing fast to above 80cm size in Lake Kasumi and its surrounding canals.

You can conveniently try the stocked edition of this species during the summer season at Miyagi Anglers Village.

TFFCC’s Komatsuzawa-san is advocating this species, so please ask him questions.

#11. Bluegill (New!)

It has been on our website for quite sometime and finally making into the best 16. Very common fish in North America now also common in Japan.

Originally imported to Lake Ippeki in Izu Peninsula by abudicated Emperor Akihito, who happens to be Japan’s accomplished icthyologist holding few Latin names for speciese he researched over decades. Bluegills are spreading alongside largemouth bass as its food.

#10. Largemouth Bass (New!)

Surprising jump into the best 16 along with its favourite food: bluegill.

This America’s popular suburbian sports fish is also widely available here near Tokyo becoming a fun target by dry fly, nymph, wet fly, and streamer. Yet Japan being 70% mountain country having more rivers than ponds/lakes, they are not as abundant as its kin Smallmouth Bass.


All ponds in Tokyo’s city parks are prohibiting the use of casting tackle with reel, so you need to use Tenkara tackle. Channel Catfish, Bluegill, and Largemouth Bass are Designated Invasive Species with rules to prohibit releases. Please check local fishing regulations.

#9: Niji Masu/Rainbow Trout (8->9)

Original champion of fly fishing in Japan since the first import in 1887 from Mt. Shasta, California. This king of trout has been ranked inthe top places for all these years, but slip from the best 8 giving position to other popular ones.

Aspired as Steelhead by enthusiasts including our own member Gucci. Wild ones in Hokkaido are providing one of the best fly fishing experience in Japan. Bio-engineered rainbows including Hakosuchi specifically produced to fight hard stocked only in Gunma are contributing to keep edge to this sports.

BEST 8 – Clash between New and Old School

#8: Maruta Ugui/Far Eastern Dace (5->8)

A vice president of carp family speices, Far-Eastern Dace has remained in the best 8 proving its high popularity supported by the fly fishing population concentrated in Tokyo, Saitama, and Kanagawa regardless of their nicheness.

It is often mistaken to be only a “season’s special", but you can always target this species in tide sensitive part of rivers including this one in the picture caught just below Chofu Sluice in River Tama by swinging wet fly making this fish perfect practice before setting out for long distance trip for trout/salmon.

#7:Yamame aka Sakuramasu/Cherry Salmon (6->7)

2019 was the bad year for Her Majesty Yamame who held the #1 position for over 8 years since the ranking started in 2011. She fell from the best 4 in 2020, but continue to hold popular place in the best 8 barely holding thanks to her popularity by overseas anglers seeking her majestic beauty.

Full grown sea/lake-run fish is know as Sakura (Japanese for cherry) and her subspecies Satsuki (medival Japanese for May) representing traditional Japanese cultural styles worth their repuation in their beautiful design globally recognized today – only waiting for her rightful place.

#6: Ronin Aji / Giant Trevally (12->6)

“As small as Giant Trevally" has returned to the best 8!

TFFCC member David Carr’s most favourite species who knows the best tactics able to answer to your questions.

Sometimes very wary when specifically targeting one, but other times very aggressive coming out of nowhere when going after smaller trevallies or other reef fish snatching small flies and snapping tippets.

True king of sub-tropical water.

#5: Soto Iwashi / Bonefish (7->5)

Long-jaw Bonefish caught in 8m deep Port Futami, Chichi Island, Tokyo (Courtesey of Gen-chan 2014)

Same species as in Hawaii rarely seen feeding in flats of Japan. Being know as “Grey Ghost" is no over statement having reflective body providing high stealth under water making them virtually invisible when not looking for one.

Regardless of rising popularity in Japan and their habitats from tropical waters including Tokyo’s Islands District and Okinawa, there hasn’t been a single successful case of flat fishing for bonefish in Japan. That is making this species still “overseas" in Hawaii, Kiribati, Indonesia, and Maldives.

Someday some will catch one in flats in Japan.


Now who are the most loved species amongst those listed on our website???

#4: Suzuki/Japanese Seabass (3->4)

85cm fish that won Monster Challenge 2022 (Courtsey of David Carr 2022)

Leading sport fish of Japan and King of Tokyo Bay has fallen to #4 but remain in high popularity nevertheless.

Magnificent size and style agreed by anglers chasing Striped Bass, Snook, or European Seabass. Available for river fishing, bank fishing, and boatfishing using multiple different methods. Still remains Japan’s top sporting target who will claim his #1 position like Messi!

#3 Bronze: Kurodai/Blackhead Seabream (1->3)

Blackhead Seabream of Lake Hamana (Courtesy of Carlos Yokoyama 2021)

Popular fish since the medieval time and 3-Year Champion of 2019-2021 season has finaly fell below other common targets.

Poplarity of Blackhead Seabream in sports fishing using lures known as “Chinning" has spread to the Central Japan then finally reached Tokyo and now going nationwide.

Japan’s single most popular target for sight fishing in flats asking for the perfection in everything you have in fly fishing giving the best practice before setting out for bonefish or permit.

#2 Silver: Koi/Common Carp (4->2)

Long time popular fish has finally acquired Silver!

Quckest access to experience brute force on your fly reel making noise. Perfect entry fish for sight fishing for bottom feeder such as bonefish, trigger fish, and seabreams.

Needless to say it is TFFCC’s Martyn White’s speciality!

And the winner is?

#1 Gold: Aji/Japanese Jack Mackerel (2->1)

There is something about “slivery" skin fish with aerodynamic body shape. This fish serving Japanese dinner table since the beginning of history has finally reached to the height of popularity.

A basic saltwater fish to practice what’s right or wrong from fly selection to depth range while being easy to locate during night time often not needing long cast.

Also, “fly" for them is not only played on fly tackle but also spinning tackle from the very early times since sports fishing for this species was established over the last 20 years where the boundary between lure fishing and fly fishing is quite thin aiming to present “micro lure" less than 0.5g that is a fly to our eyes.

Best 32

#17: Smallmouth Bass (15->17)
#18: Northern Snakehead (17->18)
#19: White-spotted Char (9->19)
#20: Crimson Seabreak (New)
#21: Skipjack Tuna (New)
#22: Chum Salmon (28->22)
#23: Rock Fish (11->23)
#24: Pale Chub (10->24)
#25: Dark Chub (New)
#26: Brown Trout (23->26)
#27: Chub Mackerel (New)
#28. Dolphinfish (16->28)
#29: Sailfish (24->29)
#30: Sunrise(New)
#31: Honeycomb Gropuer (New)
#32: White Trevally (29->32)

Recap – New Age and Easy-ism

Keyword search for Japanse word for “fly fishing" has been in large decline for sometimes which hit the rock bottom few years ago. Now into idling time for the last 3 years when generation change and position change of the concept of “fly" are happening.

Fly fishing for carp or seabream has achieved good level of interests, but most common fish that require no fishing license or travel time reings over them having the background of fishing style easily cross over between fly tackle and lure tackle.

This may be a key to gain more popular platform for fly fishing as category.

Separately, the fact “predators" who are average above 40cm size and “monsters" that can reach over 80cm size are winning the awareness is a good sign that fly fishing becoming more natural choice for sports fishing going after trophy fish who live in wild environment.

Fly fishing maybe still a low key in the entire sports fishing scenes, but Japan holding 3,800 species of fish can provide hints for wider varieties and deeper appreciation to grow this sporting culture further.

Please support TFFCC in its continuing journey to seek and challenge what’s fun and essential in fly fishing.


Year Gold Silver Bronze
2022 Japanse Jack Mackerel Common Carp Blackhead Seabream
2021 Blackhead Seabream Japanse Jack Mackerel Japanese Seabass
2020 Blackhead Seabream Japanese Seabass Common Carp
2019 Blackhead Seabream Japanese Seabass Cherry Salmon
2018 Cherry Salmon Japanese Seabass Common Carp
2017 Cherry Salmon Japanese Seabass Sakhalin Taimen
2016 Cherry Salmon Japanese Seabass White-spotted Char
2015 Cherry Salmon Japanese Seabass White-spotted Char
2014 Cherry Salmon White-spotted Char Japanese Seabass
2013 Cherry Salmon Japanese Seabass White-spotted Char
2012 Cherry Salmon White-spotted Char Japanese Seabass
2011 Cherry Salmon Japanese Seabass White-spotted Char










Report 2022

Posted by Neversink