期間:1995年 - 2025年現在
魚種: 102種、45科
- 2022年12月に西表島で100魚種の達成が終わりました。
- 2023年3月にデータを整理・確認作業中に2015年の西表島のマゴチと2019年の浜名湖のマゴチが別種登録されていて、101魚種となりました。
- 2024年2月にデータ整理中に、多摩川水系秋川上流の「アブラハヤ」は実際は「タカハヤ」であったことが発覚。102魚種となりました。
ID | Family | Family-JP | Species | Name | Name-JP | Condition | Size (cm) | Year | Water | Land | Area | Fishery | Fly | Fly Size | Fly Rod | Fly Line | Rod_Brand | Rod_Name | Reel_Brand | Reel_Name | Reel_Brake | Presentation | Fishing | Game |
1-A | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus masou | Cherry Salmon | サクラマス | Native-female | 50 | 2020 | River Shibetsu | Shibetsu,Nemuro | Hokkaido, JP | Plain River | Straggle Midge | 14 | Two hand 6wt | Skagit Floating | Beluah | Platinum Spey | Nautilus | X Lmax | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Swing | Blind | River |
1-A | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus masou | Cherry Salmon | サクラマス | Native-male | 45 | 2020 | River Chrui | Shibetsu,Nemuro | Hokkaido, JP | Plain River | Pheasant Tail & Partridge | 10 | Switch Hand 4wt | Scandi Floating | OPST | Micro Skagit | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Swing | Blind | River |
1-A | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus masou | Cherry Salmon | サクラマス(戻りヤマメ) | Native-Gryls | 45 | 2014 | River Matsunori | Izu Peninsula | Hokkaido, JP | Plain River | Bead head marabou | 10 | Single Hand 6wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Backcountry CL | Drum brake | Stripping | Blind | River |
1-A | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus masou | Cherry Salmon | サクラマス(ヤマメ) | Native | 26 | 2020 | River Shakubetsu | Kushiro | Hokkaido, JP | Plain River | Pheasant Tail & Partridge | 10 | Switch Hand 4wt | Floating | OPST | Micro Skagit | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Swing Emerging | Blind | River |
1-A | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus masou | Cherry Salmon | サクラマス(ヤマメ) | Stocked | 34 | 2022 | River Kanna | Uenomura | Gunma, JP | Mountain River | CDC Hackle Dun | 14 | Sngle Hand 2wt | Floating | R.L. Wnston | Pure | Bauer | RX1 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Parachute Drop | Sight | River |
1-B | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae | Red Spotted Salmon | サツキマス(アマゴ) | Wild | 22 | 2017 | River Matsu | Izu Peninsula | Shizuoka, JP | Mountain River | Parachute Emerger | 18 | Single Hand 3wt | Floating | Sage | Fli | Shimano | Brookstone | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Natural Drift | Sight | River |
1-B | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus masou ishikawae | Red Spotted Salmon | サツキマス(アマゴ) | Stocked | 27 | 2008 | River Katsura | Chichibu Tama Kai National Park | Yamanashi, JP | Mountain River | Silver March Brown | 16 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | Sage | Launch | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Swing Emerging | Blind | River |
1-C | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus rhodurus sp | Biwa Salmon | ホンマス(ビワマス) | Wild | 49 | 2018 | Lake Chuzenji | Nikko National Park | Tochigi, JP | Mountain Lake | Neversink Drake | 10 | Single Hand 3wt | Skagit Floating | R.L. Winston | LT | Bauer | M2 | Cork/rulon disc brake | Parachute Drop | Sight | River |
2 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus mykiss | Rainbow Trout | ニジマス | Native | 55 | 1996 | Delaware River East Branch | Hancock | New York, US | Plain River | Elkhair Caddis | 12 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | G. Loomis | Cabelas | Click drag | Natural Drift | Sight | River | ||
2 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus mykiss | Rainbow Trout | ニジマス | Wild | 51 | 2022 | Lake Chuzenji | Nikko National Park | Tochigi, JP | Mountain Lake | Neversink Drake | 10 | Switch Hand 4wt | Floating | OPST | Micro Skagit | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Natural Drift | Sight | Bank |
2 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus mykiss | Rainbow Trout | ニジマス | Stocked-JP | 70 | 2020 | River Akan | Akan, Kushiro | Hokkaido, JP | Stock Fishery | Hares Ear Nymph | 12 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | Ross | Flystik | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Flip Jigging | Sight | Bank |
2 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus mykiss | Rainbow Trout | ニジマス | Stocked-UK | 70 | 2012 | Manningford Trout Fishery | Cotswalds | Whiltshire, UK | Stock Fishery | Hares Ear Nymph | 12 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | Ross | Flystik | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | NaturalFalling | Sight | Bank |
3 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus clarki | Cutthroat Trout | カットスロート・トラウト | Native | 16 | 2006 | Middlefork River | Roslyn | Washington, US | Mountain River | Prince nymph | 12 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | Sage | Launch | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Natural Drift | Sight | River |
4 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus keta | Chum Salmon | シロザケ | Native | 62 | 2008 | River Kuji | Hitachi | Fukushima, JP | Estuary | Wooly bugger | 8 | Single Hand 8wt | Floating | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Swing | Blind | River |
5 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Oncorhynchus kisutsh | Coho Salmon | コーホー・サーモン(ギンザケ) | Stocked | 32 | 2017 | Asaka Garden | Asaka | Saitama, JP | Stock Fishery | Jackdow Soft Hackle | 20 | Single Hand 3wt | Floating | Tiemco | J-stream | Orvis | Battenkill BBS III | Click drag | Emerging | Blind | Bank |
6-A | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salvelinus leucomaenis | White Spotted Char | アメマス(エゾイワナ) | Stocked | 44 | 2010 | Fish On Ozenji | Kawasaki | Kanagawa, JP | Stock Fishery | Marabou streamer | 8 | Sinlge Hand 5wt | Type2 | Sage | Launch | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
6-A | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salvelinus leucomaenis | White Spotted Char | アメマス(エゾイワナ) | Native | 25 | 2019 | River Kakkonda | Shizukuishi | Iwate, JP | Mountain River | CDC Straggle Spyder | 14 | Single Hand 0wt | Floating | Tiemco | J-stream | Orvis | Battenkill I | Click drag | Natural Drift | Sight | River |
6-A | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salvelinus leucomaenis | White Spotted Char | アメマス(アメマス系イワナ) | Native | 23 | 2020 | River Shizunai | Shin Hidaka | Hokkaido, JP | Mountain River | Pheasant Tail & Partridge | 10 | Switch Hand 4wt | Scandi Floating | OPST | Micro Skagit | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Swing Emerging | Sight | River |
6-B | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salvelinus leucomaenis pluvius | Nikko White Spotted Char | アメマス(ニッコウイワナ) | Native | 32 | 2021 | River Kanotsu | Tadami | Fukushima, JP | Mountain River | Parachute Straggle Spider | 14 | Single Hand 4wt | Floating | Flux | Dipper | Orvis | Battenkill II | No drag | Natural Drift | Sight | River |
6-B | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salvelinus leucomaenis pluvius | Nikko White Spotted Char | アメマス(ニッコウイワナ) | Stocked | 37 | 2018 | Forest Spring | Kaisei | Kanagawa, JP | Stock Fishery | Straggle Cihironomide | 14 | Single Hand 3wt | Skagit Floating | R.L. Winston | LT | Bauer | M2 | Cork/rulon disc brake | Parachute Drop | Sight | Bank |
6-C | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salvelinus leucomaenis japonicus | Yamato White Spotted Char | アメマス(ヤマトイワナ) | Native | 18 | 2003 | River Kiso | Kiso Mountains | Gifu, JP | Mountain River | Marabou leech | 16 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | G. Loomis | Cabelas | Click drag | NaturalFalling | Blind | River | ||
7 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salvelinus namaycush | Lake Trout | レイクトラウト | Wild | 38 | 1999 | Rondout Resovoir | Catskill | New York, US | Plain Lake | Montana Nymph | 12 | Single Hand 5wt | Type2 | G. Loomis | Cabelas | Click drag | Stripping | Blind | Boat | ||
7 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salvelinus namaycush | Lake Trout | レイクトラウト | Native | 56 | 2023 | Lake Chuzenji | Nikko National Park | Tochigi, JP | Mountain Lake | Mudler Marabou | 10 | Two Hand 6wt | Skagit | Beluah | Platinum Spey | Hardy | Ultra Disc 6000 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
8 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salvelinus fontinalis | Brook Trout | ブルックトラウト | Native | 37 | 2008 | River Yu | Nikko National Park | Tochigi, JP | Mountain River | Parachute Spider | 12 | Single Hand 3wt | Floating | Sage | Fli | Shimano | Brookstone | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Teasing Drift | Blind | River |
9 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salverinus malma | Dolly Varden Trout | オショロコマ | Native | 28 | 2014 | River Shouji | Shiretoko National Park | Hokkaido, JP | Plain River | Parachute Peacock Spider | 12 | Tenkara 3.3m | Level Line | Alpha Tackle | No reel | Natural Drift | Sight | River | |||
10 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salmo trutta | Brown Trout | ブラウントラウト | Native | 48 | 1998 | Croton River | Croton | New York, US | Plain River | Wooly bugger | 10 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | G. Loomis | Cabelas | Click drag | Stripping | Blind | River | ||
10 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salmo trutta | Brown Trout | ブラウントラウト | Wild | 41 | 2017 | Lake Chuzenji | Nikko National Park | Tochigi, JP | Mountain Lake | Neversink Drake | 10 | Single Hand 3wt | Floating | R.L. Winston | LT | Bauer | McKenzie Lite | Cork/rulon disc brake | Parachute Drop | Sight | Bank |
10 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Salmo trutta | Brown Trout | ブラウントラウト | Stocked | 38 | 2007 | Fish On Ozenji | Kawasaki | Kanagawa, JP | Stock Fishery | Marabou streamer | 8 | Single Hand 5wt | Type2 | Sage | Launch | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed stainless steel | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
11 | Salmonidae | サケ科 | Hucho perryi | Sakhalin Taimen | イトウ | Stocked | 64 | 2007 | Asaka Garden | Asaka | Saitama, JP | Stock Fishery | Marabou Streamer | 8 | Single Hand 5wt | Type2 | Sage | Launch | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed stainless steel | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
12 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Cyprinus carpio | Common Carp | コイ | Native | 72 | 2014 | Ng Tung River | New Territory | New Territory, HK | Mountain River | Marabou Nymph | 10 | Single Hand 6wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Backcountry CL | Cork disk brake | Natural Drift | Blind | River |
12 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Cyprinus carpio | Common Carp | コイ | Stocked | 40 | 2012 | Cotswolds Water Park | Costwolds | Whiltshire, UK | Stock Fishery | Hares ear Nymph | 12 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | Ross | Flystik | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed stainless steel | NaturalFalling | Blind | Bank |
13 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Rhynchocypris logowskii steindachneri | Amur Minnow | アブラバヤ | Native | 15 | 2008 | River Asa | Hachioji | Tokyo, JP | Plain River | CDC Gnat | 20 | Single Hand 3wt | Floating | Sage | Fli | Shimano | Brookstone | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Natural Drift | Sight | River |
14 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Rhynchocypris oxycephalus | Chinese Minnow | タカハヤ | Native | 15 | 2009 | River Aki | Akiruno | Tokyo, JP | Mountain River | CDC Gnat | 20 | Single Hand 3wt | Floating | Sage | Fli | Shimano | Brookstone | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Natural Drift | Sight | River |
15 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Tribolodon brandtii | Far Eastern Dace | マルタウグイ | Native | 35 | 2016 | River Tama, | Maruko | Tokyo, JP | Plain River | Marabou Charlie | 6 | Two Hand 6wt | Intermediate | Beaulah | Platinum Spey | Hardy | Ultralite 6000D | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Swing | Blind | River |
16 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Tribolodon hakonensis | Japanese Dace | ウグイ | Native | 32 | 2023 | Lake Chuzenji | Nikko National Park | Tochigi, JP | Lake | Mudler Marabou | 10 | Two Hand 6wt | Skagit | Beulah | Platinum Spey | Hardy | Utradisc 6000 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Bottom Carolina | Blind | Bank |
17 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Tribolodon sachalinensis | Sakhalin Dace | エゾウグイ | Native | 36 | 2020 | River Charo | Shiranuka | Hokkaido, JP | Plain River | Pheasant Tail & Partridge | 10 | Switch Hand 4wt | Scandi Floating | OPST | Micro Skagit | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Swing Emerging | Sight | River |
18 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Nipponocypris temmincki | Dark Chub | カワムツ | Native | 12 | 2010 | River Youzawa | Chichibu Tama Kai National Park | Tokyo, JP | Mountain River | Parachute Peacock | 18 | Single Hand 3wt | Floating | Tiemco | J-stream | Orvis | Battenkill BBS III | Click drag | Natural Drift | Sight | River |
19 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Zacco platypus | Pale Chub | オイカワ | Native | 16 | 2009 | River Aki | Chichibu Tama Kai National Park | Tokyo, JP | Mountain River | CDC thorax dun | 18 | Single Hand 3wt | Floating | Cortland | Cortland | Click drag | Natural Drift | Sight | River | ||
20 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Phoxinus eos | Northern Red Belly Dace | ノーザン・レッドベリー・ダース | Native | 21 | 1995 | Ramapo River | Tuxedo | New York, US | Plain River | Elkhair Caddis | 12 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | Cortland | Cortland | Click drag | Natural Drift | Sight | River | ||
21 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Couesius plumbeus | Lake Chub | レイク・チャブ | Native | 18 | 1995 | Seven Lakes | Tuxedo | New York, US | Plain Lake | Elkhair Caddis | 12 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | Cortland | Cortland | Click drag | Natural Drift | Sight | Bank | ||
22 | Cyprinidae | コイ科 | Parazacco spilurus | Predaceous Chub | プレデーシャス・チャブ | Native | 16 | 2014 | West New Territory | New Territory | New Territory, HK | Plain Lake | CDC Thorax Dun | 12 | Tenkara 3.3m | Level Line | Alpha Tackle | No reel | Natural Drift | Sight | River | |||
23 | Centrarchidae | サンフィッシュ科 | Micropterus salmoides | Large Mouth Bass | ラージマウスバス | Native | 42 | 1996 | Tuxedo Lake | Tuxedo | New York, US | Plain Lake | Wooly Bugger | 10 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | G. Loomis | Cabelas | Click drag | Stripping | Blind | Bank | ||
24 | Centrarchidae | サンフィッシュ科 | Micropterus dolomieu | Small Mouth Bass | スモールマウスバス | Native | 45 | 1995 | Ramapo River | Tuxedo | New York, US | Plain River | Scud | 12 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | Cortland | Cortland | Click drag | Swing | Blind | River | ||
25 | Centrarchidae | サンフィッシュ科 | Lepomis macrochirus | Bluegill | ブルーギル | Native | 29 | 1995 | Seven Lakes | Tuxedo | New York, US | Plain Lake | Elkhair Caddis | 12 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | G. Loomis | Cabelas | Click drag | Parachute Drop | Sight | Bank | ||
26 | Centrarchidae | サンフィッシュ科 | Promoxis nigromaculatus | Black Crappie | ブラック・クラッピー | Native | 24 | 2017 | Harlem Meer | Manhattan | New York, US | Plain Lake | Marabou Nymph | 12 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | Ross | Flystik | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed stainless steel | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
27 | Percidae | パーチ科 | Perca flavescens | Yellow Perch | イエロー・パーチ | Native | 26 | 1995 | Seven Lakes | Tuxedo | New York, US | Plain Lake | Elkhair Caddis | 12 | Single Hand 5wt | Floating | G. Loomis | Cabelas | Click drag | Parachute Drop | Sight | Bank | ||
28 | Plecoglossidae | アユ科 | Plecoglossus altivelis | Ayu | アユ | Native | 18 | 2009 | River Aga | Aizu Wakmatsu | Fukushima, JP | Mountain River | Hares Ear Nymph | 16 | Single Hand 3wt | Floating | Sage | Fli | Shimano | Brookstone | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Natural Drift | Blind | River |
29 | Osmeridae | キュウリウオ科 | Hypomesus nipponensis | Japanese Smelt | ワカサギ | Native | 12 | 2018 | Lake Chuzenji | Nikko National Park | Tochigi, JP | Mountain Lake | Midge Soft Hackle | 22 | Two Hand 6wt | Floating | Beluah | Platinum Spey | Hardy | Ultralite 6000D | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Emerging | Sight | Bank |
30 | Cichlidae | シクリッド科 | Oreochromis mossambicus | Tilapia | ティラピア | Native | 23 | 2012 | River Yatsuse | Ogasawara Archipelago | Tokyo, JP | Plain River | Maggot Fly | 26 | Single Hand 9wt | Floating | Sage | Xi2 | Nautilus | CCF8 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | NaturalFalling | Sight | River |
31 | Cichlidae | シクリッド科 | Oreochromis niloticus | Nile Tilapia | ナイル・ティラピア | Native | 21 | 2009 | Canal | Oahu | Hawaii, US | Plain River | Elkhair Caddis | 14 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | Ross | Flystik | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed stainless steel | Natural Drift | Sight | River |
32 | Ictaluridae | アメリカナマズ科 | Ictalurus punctatus | Channel Catfish | チャネル・キャットフィッシュ | Stocked | 42 | 2016 | Miyagi Angler's Village | Maebashi | Gunma, JP | Stock Fishery | Marabou Charlie | 6 | Single Hand 6wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Backcountry CL | Cork disk brake | Swing | Blind | Bank |
33 | Moronidae | モロネ科 | Morone saxatilis | Striped Bass | ストライプドバス | Stocked | 59 | 2016 | Miyagi Angler's Village | Maebashi | Gunma, JP | Stock Fishery | Marabou Charlie | 6 | Single Hand 6wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Backcountry CL | Cork disk brake | Swing | Blind | Bank |
34 | Lateolabracidae | スズキ科 | Lateolabrax japonicus | Japanese Sea Bass | スズキ | Native | 78 | 2021 | Yokohama Bay | Yokohama | Kanagawa, JP | Inshore | EP Minnow | 2/0 | Single Hand 10wt | Type4 | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Riptide | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Boat |
35 | Lateolabracidae | スズキ科 | Lateolabrax latus | Blackfin Seabass | ヒラスズキ | Native | 42 | 2019 | Port Shishikui | Shishikui | Tokushima, JP | Sea Port | Rabbit Charlie | 6 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
36 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Caranx ignobilis | Giant Trevally | ロウニンアジ | Native | 43 | 2013 | River Urauchi | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Estuary | Bonin Minnow | 4 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Boat |
37 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Caranx sexfaciatus | Big Eye Trevally | ギンガメアジ | Native | 25 | 2012 | Port Mikura | Mikura Island | Tokyo, JP | Sea Port | Mikura Candy | 6 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
38 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Caranx tille | Tille Trevally | ミナミ・ギンガメアジ | Native | 23 | 2014 | Cove of Le Meridian | Phuket | Phuket, TL | Sea Port | Gummy Minnow | 8 | Single Hand 4wt | Intermediate | TFO | Jim Teeny | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Blind | Boat |
39 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Caranx papuensis | Brassy Trevally | オニヒラアジ | Native | 12 | 2010 | Makiminato | Naha | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | UV Shrimp | 6 | Single Hand 8wt | Floating | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
40 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Caranx melampygus | Blue Fin Trevally | カスミアジ | Native | 38 | 2008 | Nago | Nago | Okinawa, JP | Surf | Rabbit Zonker | 6 | Single Hand 5wt | Type2 | Sage | Launch | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
41 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Pseudocaranx dentex | White Trevally | シマアジ | Native | 29 | 2012 | Port Oki | Ogasawara Archipelago | Tokyo, JP | Sea Port | Bonin Marabou | 6 | Single Hand 10wt | Type4 | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Riptide | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
42 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Selar crumenophthalmus | Bigeye Scad | メアジ | Native | 28 | 2012 | Port Oki | Ogasawara Archipelago | Tokyo, JP | Sea Port | Mikura Candy | 6 | Single Hand 10wt | Type4 | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Riptide | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
43 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Seriola quinqueradiata | Japanese Amberjack | ブリ | Native | 36 | 2009 | Seisho Beach | Odawara | Kanagawa, JP | Surf | Jiggy | 2 | Two Hand 8wt | Type4 | G. Loomis | CrossCurrent | Ross | Momentum | Concealed Rulon/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
44 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Trachurus japonicus | Japanese Jack Mackerel | マアジ | Native | 20 | 2019 | Port Shimoda | Shimanto | Kouchi, JP | Sea Port | Marabou Charlie | 10 | Single Hand 4wt | Floating | TFO | Jim Teeny | Bauer | MXP3 | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
45 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Scomberoides lysan | Double Dotted Queenfish | イケカツオ | Native | 42 | 2012 | Port Oki | Ogasawara Archipelago | Tokyo, JP | Sea Port | Mikura Candy | 4 | Single Hand 10wt | Type4 | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Riptide | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
46 | Carangidae | アジ科 | Trachinotus baillonii | Smallspotted Dart | コバンアジ | Native | 25 | 2015 | Kuroshima | Kuroshima | Okinawa, JP | Surf | Turd Fly | 4 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
47 | Scombridae | サバ科 | Katsuwonus pelamis | Skipjack Tuna | カツオ | Native | 53 | 2009 | Sagami Gulf | Sagami Gulf | Kanagawa, JP | Offshore | Jiggy | 2 | Single Hand 12wt | Type6 | Hardy | Zane | Hardy | Zane | Concealed Rulon/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Boat |
48 | Scombridae | サバ科 | Scomber australasicus | Blue Mackerel | ゴマサバ | Native | 51 | 2009 | Sagami Gulf | Sagami Gulf | Kanagawa, JP | Offshore | Gummy Minnow | 2 | Single Hand 12wt | Type6 | Hardy | Zane | Hardy | Zane | Concealed Rulon/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Boat |
49 | Scombridae | サバ科 | Scomber japonicus | Chub Mackerel | マサバ | Native | 32 | 2008 | Manazuru | Manazuru Peninsula | Kanagawa, JP | Inshore | Brassy Streamer | 4 | Single Hand 9wt | Type4 | Sage | Xi2 | Teton | CCF8 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Boat |
50 | Scombridae | サバ科 | Auxis thazard | Frigate Mackerel | ヒラソウダ | Native | 38 | 2008 | Ito Bay | Izu Peninsula | Shizuoka, JP | Inshore | Clouser Deep Minnow | 2 | Single Hand 9wt | Type4 | Sage | Xi2 | Teton | CCF8 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Boat |
51 | Coryphaenidae | シイラ科 | Coryphaena hippurus | Dolphin Fish | シイラ | Native | 105 | 2009 | Sagami Gulf | Sagami Gulf | Kanagawa, JP | Offshore | Gummy Minnow | 1/0 | Single Hand 12wt | Type6 | Hardy | Zane | Hardy | Zene | Concealed Rulon/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Boat |
52 | Sparidae | タイ科 | Evynnis tumifrons | Crimson Seabream | チダイ | Native | 14 | 2008 | Ito Bay | Izu Peninsula | Shizuoka, JP | Inshore | Sweet & Sour Shrimp | 10 | Single Hand 9wt | Type4 | Sage | Xi2 | Nautilus | CCF8 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Tension Falling | Blind | Boat |
53 | Sparidae | タイ科 | Acanthopagrus latus | Yellowfin Seabream | キビレ | Native | 29 | 2008 | Zushi | Miura Peninsula | Kanagawa, JP | Estuary | Hares Ear Nymph | 10 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | Sage | Xi2 | Nautilus | CCF8 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | NaturalFalling | Sight | Bank |
54 | Sparidae | タイ科 | Acanthopagrus schlegeli | Blackhead Seabream | クロダイ | Native | 45 | 2024 | Lake Hamana | Hamamatsu | Shizuoka, JP | Flat | HDJ Jig Shrimp | 8 | Single Hand 8wt | Floating | Redington | Predator | Lamson | Liquid 7+ | Concealed carbonfibre | Bottom Crawling | Sight | Bank |
55 | Sparidae | タイ科 | Acanthopagrus pacificus | Pacific Seabream | ナンヨウチヌ | Native | 26 | 2015 | River Nakama | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Mangrove River | Turd Fly | 8 | Single Hand 6wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Backcountry CL | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Boat |
56 | Lutjanidae | フエダイ科 | Lutjanus fulviflamma | Dory Snapper | ニセクロホシフエダイ | Native | 24 | 2010 | Makiminato | Naha | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | Turd Fly | 4 | Single Hand 6wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Backcountry CL | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
57 | Lutjanidae | フエダイ科 | Lutjanus argentimaculatus | Mangrove Red Snapper | ゴマフエダイ | Native | 35 | 2022 | River Maera | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Mangrove River | HDJ Jig Shrimp | 8 | Single Hand 6wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Backcountry CL | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Boat |
58 | Lutjanidae | フエダイ科 | Lutjanus monostigma | One-spot Snapper | イッテンフエダイ | Native | 24 | 2014 | Kuroshima | Kuroshima | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | Bonin Minnow | 6 | Single Hand 9wt | Intermediate | Sage | Xi2 | Nautilus | CCF8 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
59 | Lutjanidae | フエダイ科 | Lutjanus fulvus | Blacktail Snapper | オキフエダイ | Native | 23 | 2022 | River Nakama | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Mangrove River | HDJ Jig Shrimp | 8 | Single Hand 8wt | Floating | Echo | Echo Prime | Hardy | Ultralite MTX-S7000 | Concealed carbonfibre | Stripping | Blind | Boat |
60 | Lethrinidae | フエフキダイ科 | Lethrinus nebulosus | Spangled Emperor | ハマフエフキ | Native | 24 | 2009 | Bise | Bise | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | UV Shrimp | 6 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
61 | Lethrinidae | フエフキダイ科 | Lethrinus atkinsoni | Pacific Yellowtail Emperor | イソフエフキ | Native | 45 | 2015 | Kuroshima | Kuroshima | Okinawa, JP | Surf | Turd Fly | 4 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
62 | Lethrinidae | フエフキダイ科 | Lethrinus xanthochilus | Yellowlip Emperor | ムネアカクチビ | Native | 38 | 2015 | Kuroshima | Kuroshima | Okinawa, JP | Surf | Turd Fly | 4 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
63 | Lethrinidae | フエフキダイ科 | Lethrinus semicinctus | Black Blotched Emperor | アミフエフキ | Native | 26 | 2015 | Funauki | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Surf | Turd Fly | 4 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
64 | Serranidae | ハタ科 | Epinephelus merra | Honeycomb Grouper | カンモンハタ | Native | 24 | 2015 | Kuroshima | Kuroshima | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | Turd Fly | 4 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
65 | Serranidae | ハタ科 | Epinephelus hexagonatus | Star-spotted Grouper | イシガキハタ | Native | 28 | 2012 | Port Higashi | Ogasawara Archipelago | Tokyo, JP | Rocky Reef | Bonin Minnow | 2 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
66 | Girellidae | メジナ科 | Girella leonina | Large Scale Black Fish | メジナ | Native | 38 | 2008 | Cape Nojima | Boso Peninsula | Chiba, JP | Rocky Reef | Sweet & Sour Shrimp | 10 | Single Hand 9wt | Intermediate | Sage | Xi2 | Nautilus | CCF8 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | NaturalFalling | Blind | Bank |
67 | Kyphosidae | イスズミ科 | Kyphosusツ pacificus | Pacific Drummer | イスズミ | Native | 28 | 2012 | Port Oki | Ogasawara Archipelago | Tokyo, JP | Sea Port | Bonin Marabou | 10 | Single Hand 10wt | Type4 | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Riptide | Cork disk brake | NaturalFalling | Blind | Bank |
68 | Sphyraenidae | カマス科 | Sphyraena japonica | Japanese Baraccuda | ヤマトカマス | Native | 38 | 2012 | Port Higashi | Ogasawara Archipelago | Tokyo, JP | Sea Port | Mikura Candy | 4 | Single Hand 10wt | Type4 | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Riptide | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
69 | Sphyraenidae | カマス科 | Sphyraena barracuda | Great Barracuda | バラクーダ | Native | 36 | 2014 | Niraikanai Beach | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Surf | Mikura Candy | 6 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
70 | Siganidae | アイゴ科 | Siganus fuscescens | Mottled Spinefoot | アイゴ | Native | 10 | 2013 | Moroiso | Miura Peninsula | Kanagawa, JP | Sea Port | Maggot Fly | 18 | Single Hand 4wt | Type6 | TFO | Jim Teeny | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
71 | Terapontidae | シマイサキ科 | Terapon jarbua | Crescent Grunter | コトヒキ | Native | 27 | 2014 | River Urauchi | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Estuary | Hares Ear Nymph | 12 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Backcountry CL | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
72 | Belonidae | ダツ科 | Strongylura anastomella | Pacific Needlefish | ダツ | Native | 38 | 2013 | Moroiso | Miura Peninsula | Kanagawa, JP | Rocky Reef | Copper Frede | 12 | Single Hand 6wt | Type2 | Ross | Flystik | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
73 | Fistulariidae | ヤガラ科 | Fistularia commersonii | Bluespotted Cornetfish | アオヤガラ | Native | 89 | 2010 | Bise | Bise | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | UV Shrimp | 6 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
74 | Albulidae | ソトイワシ科 | Albula fosteri | Long-jaw Bonefish | ソトイワシ | Native | 40 | 2001 | Honolulu | Ohafu | Hawaii, US | Flat | Gottcha | 4 | Single Hand 8wt | Floating | Orvis | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Bottom Crawling | Sight | Bank | |
75 | Megalopidae | イセゴイ科 | Megalops cyprinoides | Indo-Pacific Tarpon | イセゴイ | Native | 30 | 2014 | Shinsheng River | New Territory | New Territory, HK | Plain River | Beadhead Marabou | 10 | Single Hand 6wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Backcountry CL | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | River |
76 | Sebastidae | メバル科 | Sebastes cheni | White Rockfish | シロメバル | Native | 24 | 2010 | Yokohama Bay | Yokohama | Kanagawa, JP | Sea Port | Rabbit Zonker | 4 | Single Hand 9wt | Intermediate | Sage | Xi2 | Nautilus | CCF8 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Blind | Boat |
77 | Sebastidae | メバル科 | Sebastes inermis | Red Rockfish | アカメバル | Native | 14 | 2013 | Port Ito | Izu Peninsula | Shizuoka, JP | Sea Port | Maggot Fly | 18 | Single Hand 4wt | Floating | TFO | Jim Teeny | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
78 | Cottidae | カジカ科 | Pseudoblennius percoides | Sunrise | アナハゼ | Native | 15 | 2013 | Port Ito | Izu Peninsula | Shizuoka, JP | Sea Port | Crazy Charlie | 14 | Tenkara 3.3m | Level Line | Alpha Tackle | No reel | NaturalFalling | Sight | Bank | |||
79 | Embiotocidae | ウミタナゴ科 | Ditrema temmincki | Japanese Surfperch | ウミタナゴ | Native | 20 | 2014 | Port Ito | Izu Peninsula | Shizuoka, JP | Sea Port | Crazy Charlie | 14 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | Ross | Flystik | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed stainless steel | NaturalFalling | Sight | Bank |
80 | Apogonidae | テンジクダイ科 | Apogon semilineatus | Half-lined Cardinal Fish | ネンブツダイ | Native | 12 | 2014 | Port Ito | Izu Peninsula | Shizuoka, JP | Sea Port | Maggot Fly | 18 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | Ross | Flystik | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
81 | Scombropidae | ムツ科 | Scombrops boops | Gnomefish | ムツ | Native | 12 | 2014 | Port Ito | Izu Peninsula | Shizuoka, JP | Sea Port | Maggot Fly | 18 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | Ross | Flystik | Daiwa | Lochmor LA | Concealed stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
82 | Synodontidae | エソ科 | Synodus dermatogenys | Clearfin Lizard Fish | ミナミアカエソ | Native | 21 | 2013 | Port Mikura | Mikura Island | Tokyo, JP | Sea Port | Mikura Candy | 6 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
83 | Paralichthyidae | ヒラメ科 | Paralichthys olivaceus | Bastard Halibut | ヒラメ | Native | 29 | 2008 | Heisaura Beach | Boso Peninsula | Chiba, JP | Surf | Clouser Deep Minnow | 2 | Single Hand 9wt | Type2 | Sage | Xi2 | Nautilus | CCF8 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
84 | Platycephalidae | コチ科 | Platycephalus indicus | Bartail Flathea | ミナミマゴチ | Native | 58 | 2015 | Funauki | Iriomote Island | OKinawa, JP | Rocky Reef | Yaeyama Headstand | 4 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
85 | Mugilidae | ボラ科 | Mugil cephalus | Flathead Mullet | ボラ | Native | 60 | 2010 | Keihin Canal | Shibaura | Tokyo, JP | Canal | Hares Ear Nymph | 12 | Single Hand 10wt | Floating | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Riptide | Cork disk brake | Natural Drift | Sight | Bank |
86 | Tetraodontidae | フグ科 | Takifugu niphobles | Grass Puffer | クサフグ | Native | 18 | 2009 | Port Kawatsu | Boso Peninsula | Chiba, JP | Sea Port | Sweet & Sour Shrimp | 10 | Single Hand 9wt | Intermediate | Sage | Xi2 | Nautilus | CCF8 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | NaturalFalling | Sight | Bank |
87 | Clupeidae | ニシン科 | Etrumeus teres | Round Herring | ウルメイワシ | Native | 15 | 2011 | Jougashima | Miura Peninsula | Kanagawa, JP | Sea Port | Maggot Fly | 18 | Single Hand 4wt | Type6 | TFO | Jim Teeny | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
88 | Atheriniformes | トウゴロウイワシ科 | Hypoatherina valenciennei | Flathead Silverside | トウゴロウイワシ | Native | 12 | 2011 | Moroiso | Miura Peninsula | Kanagawa, JP | Sea Port | Maggot Fly | 18 | Single Hand 4wt | Type6 | TFO | Jim Teeny | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
89 | Mullidae | ヒメジ科 | Mulloidichthys flavolineatus | Yellowstriped Goatfish | イエローストライプ ゴードフィッシュ | Native | 34 | 2013 | Honolulu | Ohahu | Hawaii, US | Flat | UV Shrimp | 6 | Single Hand 8wt | Floating | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Bottom Crawling | Sight | Boat |
90 | Pomacentridae | スズメダイ科 | Pomacentrus coelestis | Neon Damselfish | ソラスズメダイ | Native | 8 | 2015 | Futo | Izu Peninsula | Shizuoka, JP | Sea Port | Maggot Fly | 18 | Single Hand 4wt | Floating | TFO | Jim Teeny | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
91 | Balistidae | モンガラカワハギ科 | Rhinecanthus aculeatus | Picasso Triggerfish | ムラサメモンガラ | Native | 25 | 2015 | Kuroshima | Kuroshima | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | Crazy Charlie | 6 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
92 | Pinguipedidae | トラギス科 | Parapercis pacifica | Okinawa Sandperch | オグロトラギス | Native | 23 | 2015 | Kuroshima | Kuroshima | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | Yaeyama Headstand | 4 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
93 | Gobiidae | ハゼ科 | Yongeichthys criniger | Poisonous Goby | ツムギハゼ | Native | 14 | 2015 | River Urauchi | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Estuary | Crazy Charlie | 14 | Single Hand 4wt | Floating | TFO | Jim Teeny | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Bottom Crawling | Sight | Bank |
94 | Oplegnathidae | イシダイ科 | Oplegnathus fasciatus | Striped Beakfish | イシダイ | Native | 7 | 2016 | River Aono | Izu Peninsula | Shizuoka, JP | Estuary | Maggot Fly | 26 | Single Hand 4wt | Floating | TFO | Jim Teeny | Nautilus | FW5 | Concealed carbonfibre/stainless steel | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
95 | Serrasalmidae | セルラサルムス科 | Colossoma macropomum | Colossoma | コロソマ | Stocked | 42 | 2019 | Hamanako Fishing Resort | Hamamatsu | Shizuoka,JP | Pond | Black Zonker | 10 | Single Hand 6wt | Floating | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Backcountry CL | Cork disk brake | NaturalFalling | Sight | Bank |
96 | Teraponidae | シマイサキ科 | Rhyncopelates oxyrhynchus | Four-Striped Grunter | シマイサキ | Native | 24 | 2019 | Urado Bay | Kouchi | Kouchi, JP | Lagoon | Rabbit Charlie | 6 | Single Hand 8wt | Intermediate | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Tibor | Everglades | Cork disk brake | Stripping | Blind | Boat |
97 | Lethrinidae | フエフキダイ科 | Lethrinus harak | Thumbprint Emperor | マトフエフキ | Native | 27 | 2022 | Ohara | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Flat | HDJ Jig Shrimp | 8 | Single Hand 6wt | Skagit Floating | R.L. Winston | Boron II-MX | Ross | Evolution LTX | Concealed carbonfibre | Stripping | Sight | Bank |
98 | Kuhliidae | ユゴイ科 | Kuhlia rupestris | Jungle Perch | オオクチユゴイ | Native | 22 | 2022 | Ohara | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Mountain River | Tasmanian Nymph | 10 | Single Hand 3wt | Level LIne | Echo | Shadow X | Hardy | Ultradisc 5000 | Concealed carbonfibre | Tension Falling | Blind | River |
99 | Lutjanidae | フエダイ科 | Lutjanus decussatus | Chakered Snapper | アミメフエダイ | Native | 25 | 2022 | Hoshizuna Beach | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | HDJ Jig Shrimp | 8 | Single Hand 8wt | Floating | Echo | Echo Prime | Hardy | Ultralite MTX-S7000 | Concealed carbonfibre | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
100 | Pseudochromidae | メギス科 | Labracinus ocelliferus | Dotty Jack | ガンテンメギス | Native | 18 | 2022 | Uehara | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | HDJ Jig Shrimp | 8 | Single Hand 8wt | Floating | Echo | Echo Prime | Hardy | Ultralite MTX-S7000 | Concealed carbonfibre | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
101 | Mullidae | ヒメジ科 | Parupeneus multifasciatus | Manybar Goatfish | オジサン | Native | 24 | 2022 | Uehara | Iriomote Island | Okinawa, JP | Coral Reef | HDJ Jig Shrimp | 8 | Single Hand 8wt | Floating | Echo | Echo Prime | Hardy | Ultralite MTX-S7000 | Concealed carbonfibre | Stripping | Blind | Bank |
102 | Platycephalidae | コチ科 | Platycephalus sp | Japanese Flathead | マゴチ | Native | 18 | 2019 | Lake Hamana | Hamamatcu | Shizuoka,JP | Flat | Kome Kome Crab | 4 | Single Hand 4wt | Floating | TFO | Jim Teeny | Bauer | MXP3 | Cork disk brake | Bottom Crawling | Sight | Bank |
- 巻尺やフィッシングスケールを使った直接測定
- フライロッドやネットにマーキングしてスケールを移す間接測定
- 20cm = 右手を広げた時の親指の先から小指の先までの長さ
- 10cm = 右手の中指の根元から掌の付け根までの長さ
- 8cm = 右手の掌の横幅
- 5cm = 右手の親指の付け根から人差し指の付け根までの長さ
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