Top 10 Most Wanted Fish in Japan – 2017
2020/11/25fish in japan,Fly fishing,top 10 most wanted fish
Now it's the season again to see the top 10 most wanted fish for this year. Huge change in the top ranking fish this year indicating we may have different kind of anglers looking for information in Japan.
According to Google Analytics tracking, this blog attracts variety of English reading audiences from over 159 geopolitical regions from Japan (#1) to Kosovo (#159). Considering the fact we are focusing on fly fishing in and out of Tokyo, amount of engagement to each fish species related article shows the level of interest to that fish.
We measured the popularity to fish by how much "active view time" that fish acquired(page view x average session time), so it is accurate to reflect how much curiosity are given to that particular species.
King of river is back in top 10! If you want great experience non-stop reel fighting while expanding your horizon into fly fishing for bottom feeder, this is the fish not to be missed.
One fish that drives anglers of Eastern Japan mad enough to go out in bad weather, wear full-body wet suit, and risk their lives for sudden death over washing wave in rocky reef.
Practice fish of clear water stream returns. Same technique you use to catch trout applies to acquire this fish. Similar to its kin, Far Eastern Dace who is anadromous, this species stay in freshwater. Good sports for 3-4wt river tackle for dry fly and nymphs.
Found in both brackish and saltwater fisheries in sub-tropical Japan and during late summer season in the Pacific side of Japan from Kanagawa westbound. Catching one is surf is game of casting challenge. Catching one in mangrove is game of accuracy.
A hero since 2013 season. Both native and imported population had its day of prosperity, then now becoming difficult to find big fish. If pike is mafia fish, then snakehead is absolutely yakuza. He doesn't need to hurry when feeding, so expect to make delicate presentation or lose your finger, perhaps?
Now the one fish that makes part of TFFCC members have their hearts pounding fast. Sometimes aggressive, sometimes wary. Larger the fish deeper the holding depth, therefore more difficult to win its attention with simple presentation. Fish feed in shallow depth is cautious on its arch-enemy: shark, so they fight very aggressively. Fish feed in sinking line game is rather calm, but never underestimate the wild power this fish holds.
Ambush feeder during daytime. You may mistake the strike by this fish as snagging on seaweed or rock, but that's exactly how close you have to trace your fly to be able to make him attack your offering.
Legendary wild fish native of northern Japan now found in stock fishery as well. Hard skinned predator of the northern water will pull your heart out into the wild. Native fish in Hokkaido is mostly fished in spring time. Either native or stocked, don't expect this river wolf to give up the fight easily.
King of Tokyo's saltwater/brackish water fish chased hard for the #1 rank, but it stayed at the 2nd place for 2017 round. Solid skinned predators with unique character will give you tireless games to enjoy. If you have tried European seabass, striped bass, or snook, you will love this fish with no doubt.
Defending champion of 2011-2016 wins closely followed by only 27,000 more viewing points than Japanese Seabass in the 2nd place. Crown jewel of Japan stays unchallenged and Her Majesty's rein continues.
No matter what you fish or what you do. You will agree with the beauty of this East Asian salmon. Landlocked cherry salmon gives you joyful time of fly selection and presentation. Sea run cherry salmon gives you fight which you won't forget. Experience the beauty of this fish is what you are obliged to do as fly angler in Japan.
Off the 10
Following fishes are potentials for 2017 round.
#11: White-spotted Char (3->11)
#12: Chum Salmon (20->12)
#13: Far Eastern Dace (new)
#14: Rainbow Trout (14->14)
#15: Black-head Sea Bream (10->15)
#16: Blue Mackerel (7->16)
#17: Black Rockfish (6->17)
#18: Pale Chub (8->18)
#19: Japanese Amberjack (15->19)
#20: White Trevally (18->20)
TFFCC has been posting information about fish available in the waters of Tokyo from the mountains to the islands and surrounding waters of Tokyo only.
2011-2016 Results
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