Hot Spot in London – Granger’s Fishing Tackle, London


This has absolutely nothing to do with the theme of this blog. I was walking South Ken other night and came across this fantastic fly fishing store. Everything fly fishing and they have magnificent collection, neigh, dream team of wall mount saltwater game fish. I've seen many stores, but I say this place takes your mind away from city's bustle in speed of light.

Granger's Fishing Tackle

46 Thurloe Street, South Kensington
London, SW7 2LT

Any Catch in UK?

Anything from this shop or any catch in UK during this trip? Well... I have pretty much everything already and short of quids. I had little project of mine .... which didn't turn out to be successful. Let's say I was overconfident about myself, my weakness, then lost the away game 0-2.

No fishing on this trip, but I met my old friend in Paddington who always gives me good smile.

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