Lake Matsu & River Matsu – Ito, Shizuoka


Lake Matsu or Lake Matsukawa is located only 15 minutes away from the coastal town of Ito in Izu Peninsula. Ito is great place for all sorts of fishing opportunities and this trout habitat is no exception managed by local river anglers, hatchery, and recreational fishing business owners.

Lake: Zone A, B, and C

Lake is stocked with rainbow trout and amago aka red-spotted salmons. It's open all year for single handed or two handed fly anglers. Ideal for nymph and wet flies. Only Zone C allows two-hand tackle

River - Zone D

Head water of the lake forms mountain river named River Matsu that can be fished with same permit. It's open between March and October and stocked with trout, land-locked salmon, and char. This section does not allow fly size under #20 to be used.

River - Zone E

Further upstream beyond Shirakawa Bridge is Zone E where fly size under #20 is allowed to use.
No stocking other than occasional placement of hatched egg and pure strreamborn fish habitat.

Beyond car park, all premises have small walkways for ease of access. Road surrounding lake gives you good view of what's on surface, and road going along the river should give you enough speed to spread apart when you see next angler.


Rainbow trout, red-spotted salmon, and white spotted char.

Open Season

Lake: Open All Year
Creek: 1 March - 31 October

Fishing License & Regulation

1,000 JPY/day, 8,000 JPY/year, Free of charge for kids under 12

No soft plastic lure or bait fishing allowed. No use of lead weight permitted.



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