Brook Trout / Kawa Masu
Kawa Masu (often Parlett Masu) / Brook Trout
Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill, 1814)
First introduced to LakeYunoko and Yukawa River in 1902 by the joint effort among Scotsman, Englishman, and local fishing cooperative. Scotsman Thomas Glover who was famous tradesman and fly fishing guru, and Englishman Harold Parlett who was that time working for British Embassy as translator imported eggs from the US.
Brook trout were then introduced to other locations in Japan for game fishing, but today, known habitats are Okunikko in Tochigi (Lake Yunoko and Yukawa River), Kamikochi Highland (Myojin Pond) in Nagano, and the eastern Hokkaido.
Listed by Ministry of Environment as Alien Species under Caution which does not prohibit, but suggest to avoid further breeding.
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