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About Tokyo Fly Fishing & Country Club

2024/11/21bass,campaing,fly fishing in japan,saltwater,Tokyo,Trout

Fly fishing can be learnt by anyone who loves the game of angling and it can be enjoyed in any water you have access to as long as it holds willing fish in it. You tie your fly, cast your line system, and lure your fish into biting. That's the mechanics of this game, but there are so much more than just the sporting aspect to keep you interested for the rest of your life.

About the Club


This club originally started as a small project in 2006 to provide English information about fly fishing and camping opportunities around Tokyo. Named as a homage to the historic Tokyo Angling and Country Club which brought together 19th century fishermen from Japan and the United Kingdom, the Tokyo Fly Fishing & Country Club exists to provide english speakers angling information and assistance in Japan.

Today, we are still a concise yet passionate club with team of dedicated members and good friends in and out of Tokyo to share the experience and expense of good time speaking Japanese or English while our website receives visitors from over 120 countries providing information about fly fishing in Japan.

Please look out in the future for more activities and organized programme in Tokyo.

Objective of the Club

It's not very difficult to learn how to do fly fishing for someone keen to learn about enviornment, fishing, and handcraft. You can create wide range of artificial bait or attractor for fly fishing that won't stop you from chasing any fish you desire while Tokyo alone provides wide range of species from 3 districts then beyond into great islands of Japan.

Yet to accomplish desired goals and satisfaction, one must learn bit of natural science on fish, climate, and geography; fly tying, fly casting, then fly fishing as practice. That requires not only self learning but learning from mentor or from each other providing missing links and ignored angles. This club exists to provide fly fishing community hints and guidance to fly fishing communities to improve the quality of outdoor life together.

Objective of the Membership

Respect personality yet manage team releationship by sharing the best practice of fly fishing and country lifestyle & activities in slow or humble manners while improving each other's quality and skills depite age, sex, professional, nationality, or ethnic background.

  • BRING new fly fishing “friends” who share the same interest, passion, and sportsmanship into a social club whose members can benefit each other in pursuit of perfection of his/her art while organizing the club
  • PROVIDE opportunities to “complete angling” by helping each others to further improve 7 skills of fly fishing
  • SUPPORT members to enjoy great fly fishing and outdoor/countryside opportunities in Tokyo, in Japan, and in the Pacific
  • PUBLICIZE the best practices in fly fishing, sports fish, and outdoor/countryside lifestyle
  • VOICE environmental conservationism through fly fishing as aquatic sports by providing reports to keep people engaged to support for the better change
  • BUILD community of English-speaking fly fishers of Japan by raising new generation of fly fishers enjoying fun and happy fly fishing 

TFFCC Members

TFFCC Fly Scoring

Fly Fishing Event

Fly Fishing Hand Craft Fair

Arao Anglers' Meeting

Environmental Event

Fish Meet

Fly Meet

Cast Meet


How to Join the Club

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