>> ただいま第一回「フライタイングに関するアンケート」実施中!ユニークな回答もOK!ぜひご参加ください

Tokyo Bay, Tokyo


Tokyo Bay is at the mouth of the metroplice used to be known as Edo Bay when Tokyo was called by that name. With deep crevas in the middle and surrounded by the coastline from Boso to Miura Penninsula, Tokyo Bay hosts various sea creatures from small gobies in canal to great white shark in outer channel.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.co.jp/maps?ie=UTF8&t=p&brcurrent=3,0x60229b5fd61b9511:0x1cb677dbffe07bbe,1&ll=35.469618,139.851837&spn=0.492113,0.602875&z=10&output=embed&w=440&h=440]
Off-shore Games for Fly Fishing:

Japanese sea perch, yellowtail, amberjack, mackerel, and jacks.

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Posted by Neversink