Giant Trevally | Ronin Aji
Ronin Aji [jp] / Giant Trevally
Caranx ignobilis
(Forsskål, 1775)
Out of 7 species of trevally regularly caught in Japan, giant trevally or GT is on the top of popularity as game fish in Japan since western style saltwater game fishing was introduced. Quite opposite to white trevally whose commercial popularity is based on its delicious taste, giant trevally earns its credit for his aggressive fight when attacking its prey. The fact GT doesn't have high reputation as dinner helps preserve good size fish even in Japanese waters.
Young fish (as in photograph) are found in brackish water of mangrove or rocky estuary in the southern islands where they grew to 2-3 year old fish. Once fully grown, each individual fish live apart station themselves always near the school of prey fish.
Members' Video
David's latest trial on DIY GT in Maldives

Trevally from Eastern to Southern Japan
1. Big Eye Trevally or Gingame Aji
2. Tille Trevally or Minami Gingame Aji
3. White Trevally or Shima Aji
4. Brassy Trevally or Onihira Aji
5. Black Jack or Kappore
6. Giant Trevally or Ronin Aji
7. Blue Fin Trevally or Kasumi Aji
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