当日の模様 | Recap
TFFCC members went out on Pallas FGS for sebass boat fly fishing demonstrating how new competition scheme "Fly Scoring" works in this category.
Category: Predator Saltwater
Game: Boat Fishing
Round: 60 min session x 4
Score Type: Fly Scoring
Check: Full measuring above 40cm size
Anglers: Gucci and Ed
Best Check was this 61cm sebass on a streamer on Type 4 sinking line while it was still dark.
Gucci's best check was this 55cm seabass on EP Minnow from tight spot well meeting his skillset.
Score Card for TFFCC Fly Scoring Games used for Predator Game.
Prototype measuring box - only able to measure up to 63cm size, so needs an alternative.
Pallas FGS - a boat to be reckoned with.
Pallas FGS: Skipper Capt. Shikanai

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