A Closed Down Salmon River Near Tokyo
This would be the view of rivers in Tokyo filled with returning salmons hundreds years ago. Industrialization once destroyed our rivers completely and something precious was long lost.
Kido River
But this is actually taken at Kido River, 220km north east of Tokyo and one river close enough to the nation’s capital where salmon fishing can be enjoyed once a year on research purpose. There are other rivers in between where salmons return, but not as productive or not permitted to fish for salmons.
In order to book yourself for research salmon fishing, you ought to win the drawing first then purchase the ticket on designated day. If you don’t have a permit, you can still fish in the nearby coast as long as you are at least 500m away from the estuary. While you are doing that, this is the likely view you will see. Makes you wish you are part of the fishery cooperatives and being able to legally fish them there.
Problem of Town of Naraha
That was the view up to 2010. Today, what you will most likely to consider is that this fishery is only 15km south of the infamous Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Powerstation who had meltdown after the great earthquake of 11 March 2011. Evacuation order was lifted in May 2012, but the town is still far from being normal. No words on when the salmon fishing will be re-opened as of now.
Today, Town of Naraha is still designated area where you can freely come in, but you can’t stay over night.
May 2014 – Town Mayor announced that resident in exile begin to return from next spring, which will make the very first case of returning resident amongst all exiles after the meltdown
Aug 2013 – First convenient store re-opened
Aug 2012 – Are designated for Preparation for Non-evacuation
Apr 2011 – Area designated for immediate evacuation
Mar 2011 – East Japan Disaster
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