Colton – Torrent Fly Reel
I've heard about new fly fishing tackle maker Colton briefly, but never consider them for I haven't seen any sample of their work (plus I live in Japan).
Then Andy surprised me one day with news that he acquired 4wt, 8wt, 10wt, 12 wt rods at once from Cabela's including 2 new reels by Colton. Well... I never met a person who buy the entire range of fly fishing tackle in his second season, which is another story, but let's focus on new reels. Andy's got 2 of Colton Torrent, as a privilege of setting one up for 8wt, he permitted me to introduce it first.
This is Colton Torrent 810 (8, 9, 10wt) in black set to left-hand retrieve in this case.
It looks bit like Tibor from the handle side.
Large drag knob for rulon drag looks bit like Ross Reel.
It has quick release spool and I examined the drag to work very smoothly with
just as strong as Tibor or Ross.
Capacity of spool is impressive. I set this reel with 200m of PE #4 which reaches just at the inner holes and with 120 feet 8wt fly line which still leaves one pencil space. Surely you could fit 12wt line in it.
As I finished setting it up, I noticed that every requirement I would expect in saltwater fly reel for 8-10wt are met. It's not as elengantly built as Tibor or Ross are, but at 1/3 the price, this makes absolutely the choice without hesitation.
Let's see how things go in real action and how much corrosion it would take on.
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New Comments
Ah, Andy got them in good shape, huh? Good. I got a hold of the Colton 9′ 20wt as well. I’ve watched the Colton products on some North American fly fishing boards in the past several years, and have seen nothing but positive (or raving) comments on them. They have been used by many who (by my standard) almost abuse their gears and have done very well. So, I now have the confidence in buying the Colton for myself and recommending it to anyone. By the way, the 4wt – 10wt rods Andy got are (I presume) Cabela’s Three Forks Fly Rods. They are very inexpensive, but perform very, very well. I still have one myself. They are supposed to be entry models, but surely perform almost as well as $700 rods.
20wt? Jesus… Moto-san you are true blue water chaser!
You could probably try that on offshore from San Diego where they run shark trip.
As for Colton, I’m so impressed that I’m going after CRGII for my 8wt short rod.