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Tax, Tenkara, Tax, Tenkara – River Aki, Tokyo

2020/11/25fly fishing in japan,tenkara,Tokyo

After returning to Tokyo, I moved related documents, computer sets, and data storage from my home office into this “mobile office". Cloud business solution and free dial phone forward are set up, so that I can attend business communication and transaction wherever I am as long as valid internet connection is available – thanks to Japan’s fabulous NTT DoCoMo wireless network that cover 90% of inhabitable area in Japan including remote islands.

That said, what is the very fast office task that I ought to do on remote location?
My choice was to do tax work 60 minutes drive away form central Tokyo in the mountain part of Tokyo. Idea is to turn this most disliked task in the borrowed view of nature next to small river to see if it becomes any less painful and boring.


Well… it didn’t help much. Having great view next to paperwork became more painful being very difficult to focus on desktop in the middle of temptations by birds whispering into my ears saying “run free, idiot!".

Next, I made a cup of iced tea to see if that keeps me engaged with desktop work.
It helped a little, but not for long.

Then I put my tenkara outfit in my view to motivate myself with the reward for finishing this task.


Them next moment I realized I was in the middle of tenacious tenkara catching small river fish. Profitability study was replaced with the percentage in which how many chubs it takes before scarcely populated cherry salmon to jump on my dry fly which turned out to be 1/30.

Then 6 hours later I was still doing the same tax work… but on the table inside camper van office where I can only look at computer screen and books that confine a wild creature into a prisoner.


  • Pale chub x 18
  • Dark chub x 11
  • Cherry salmon x 1
  • Tax work at 80% completion…