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Earth Day Tokyo 2016 – TFFCC Booth

2020/11/25club,earth day,ecology,Environment,event,Fly fishing,Japan,Tokyo

Over all, TFFCC booth at Earth Day Tokyo 2016 had over 200 visits and about 10% of them had experience with fly fishing and 5% were on going fly fishers.

For both angling folks and non-angling folks, awareness was successfully raised on environmental issues fish are facing in both commercial and recreational fishing.
And both kids and adults anglers learnt that rebuilding forest and ocean are the key to improve the nutrition and environmental values that is the only way to support more fish population.

Pro Tier Martyn’s diorama of flies imitating Tokyo’s essentials to fish was absolutely the single most effective media to bring both angling and non-angling folks to pay attention to small details and opened their mind for what we had to say. Recreating what changes fly fishing anglers go through when spending long time in the water world learning important bits of information.

And great thanks to David’s testimony on how fly fishing makes one aware about environment, how one can change the whole, and hint of where to start. View coming from very fresh fly fishing person generated strong relevancy and gave people a good sense of “I can do that too".

Download PDF version of TFFCC Chronicles – Earth Day 2016 Special Edition English Version

We also met numerous future associates who told us they have been waiting for small folks like us to revitalize perspective with new approach and we are invited to participate in fly fishing camps and other private events to come.

And lastly cheers to the kids from Fukushima who are evacuating with their parents highly concerned about still high radiation exposure. They kept coming back to our booth hoping to find lost keys to their once great home surrounded by nature. We wish they will find new home OK here and their home world to be restored to its glory.

We will put those great findings into our 2016 programmes onward, but kindly ask for your participation and support.