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Tarpon@HongKong water

2020/11/25Pacific Tarpon

Hello everyone! This is hama, known as leftyhama in small FF community. I am speaking from Hong Kong. I focus on Tarpon(Pacific Tarpon) in summer time and chase seabass on winter time.

I just confirmed my Summer tarpon season has been over. We still see fish, but number of fish is far less, and they are not actively feeding anymore. high season for Parcific Tarpon in Hong Kong water is May to September.

Having said that, I am only talking about Tarpon on boarder area. In Hong Kong there is special spot that you can catch Tarpon regularly. In winter time they come down to the sea. They are seen in saltwater, hard to catch regularly anymore.

Here is the some images about what I am chasing @HongKong water.

Why do I fish? because only FF keeps me sane.
