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Fly Fishing for Extra Ultra Light in Saltwater – Misaki, Kanagawa


World Cup 2014 closed with Germany proving their resilience in hardship, calmness in away game, and brutality in collecting scores. It was an public execution when they killed Brazil with 7-1 and it was a declaration of war on South America when they shuttered their dreams into pieces by kicking Argentina away in extra-time. No matter what happened, Germans marched on as if they were shielded by invisible force of extra protection.

Former Pope Benedict XVI aka Joseph Ratzinger, a German suspect behind this “too well done" German team 

The Club was suffering from serious curse.
First, we cheered for England, Australia, South Korea, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Japan. They all disappeared in the group stage. Then we cheered for France, Brazil, and Argentina. Well… we couldn’t believe just how cursed we are to see EVERY TEAM WE SUPPORT GOT KNOCKED OUT…

In a meantime on the opposite side of the planet, team of French and Japanese said good-bye to this pity little event and went away for good night fly fishing. We came really close to a squadron of black-fin seaperches who only come out of rocky reef area in high water level created by storm of high tide.

Empty hand is not acceptable, so we moved on for extra ultra light saltwater game. This is how:


Misaki is located at the southern tip of Miura Peninsula south of Tokyo welcoming fish from both Uraga Channel and Sagami Gulf.

Fly Pattern

Please click here for an instruction for Maggot Fly



Report 2014

Posted by Neversink