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Ogasawara Archipelago, Tokyo – Day 4


I woke up to cold rainy day. I checked the temperature of water on Port Oki which was already low. So, I decided to only scout few spots and sight seeing.

This is the southern end of all roads of Tokyo at N 26°37′  E 142° 11′.

Very interesting road sign says “animals crossing". In this case, hermit crab.

By the time I got to this point, rain and wind got stronger. I rode back to the village of Oki to visit monuments of early settlers to this island. Ogasawara Archipelago was explored first by Japanese, but first settled by the members of whaling vessels. One of them was Frederick Rohlfs from Bremen, Germany. Frederick helped early Japanese settlers who had little knowledge of sub-tropical agriculture from starvation and passed on stone masonry so they can build wind resistant buildings. He later became neutralized to Japanese citizenship.

The building Frederick built is now converted into a small museum full of old pictures and artifacts from Haha Island. It surely stood against countless Typhoon storms which explains why villagers still visit his grave and make offering to this date.

It kept raining toward the end of the day, so I engaged with good old tying bench activity back at the lodge.


> See Day 5
> Day 3

Report 2013

Posted by Neversink