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Little Bass Game – Ongata Bass Pond, Tokyo


Weather was nice and I had full morning open on Saturday, so I packed quickly and drove to my favorite pay pond.
There are far places you could enjoy sight fishing for native bass, but this is the closest you can get near Tokyo area within 45 minutes drive away.

I took out my 4wt warmwater/saltwater outfit with sinking line and tied minnow pattern and began the game. No bass were chasing anything hard near obstacle or open area. 2 inches or 1 inch, dark or light, solid or transparent, they were all the same.

So, I switched my tactics to “pop and wait" which I used so many times when I fished for bass, perch, or panfish in New York water years ago.  I chose small gurgler on #10 hook for this trick and….

Tada! My little secret always works. I caught about 6 then wrapped up when fish stopped reacting. You could prolong the duration of same group of fish reacting, but I did not bring enough flies to do that.

I wish we have clear little pond or lake any closer than Lake Ashinoko. It’s always best to play with bass when you can see bass take the fly in its mouth.


– Rainbow trout x 2 on Montana Nymph
– Largemouth Bass x 6  on Marabou Gurgler

Report 2011

Posted by Neversink