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Amberjack Boot Camp on Surf! – Seisho Beach, Kanagawa


This day, I committed to catch Japanese amberjack by fly tackle. I have been fishing for blue runners for a long time, but I never caught one on fly from beach. When you are dealing with blue runners from beach, it’s all about when fish come close to shore and how to position yourself close enough to the fish. Many facts could turn against you from line of spinning anglers with heavy rig which spook the fish to bad casting with unfamiliar two-handed rod, which I was going to practice to get things right.

When I arrived, the beach was already filled with anglers, so I set a base camp to wait for chance time. I put my camp bed later to reinforce the camp.

Switching between being lazy on camp bed reading books and being busy on surf running for fish sign was the key of success, especially when you have to run and gun with two-handed rod and big stripping basket. Pebbles gives you blisters. Sand gives you scratch. Only thing come in mind is old Nike commercial: “No Pain. No Gain".

Sitting, watching, and thinking about McDonald’s only 10 minutes walk away from this place. It would be so nice to sit inside air conditioned room eating golden fries and drinking Coke. Why stay outside and do this? It won’t prove anything to anybody. Why casting fly line to big blue ocean? Why?

It’s all for the moment of perfection which appears only when you build your good hands in the game. My first blue runner on fly from beach. I just can’t wait to see his big brother.

Result on Fly

– Japanese amberjack: 34-36cm x 2This day, I committed to catch Japanese amberjack by fly tackle. I have been fishing for blue runners for a long time, but I never caught one on fly from beach. When you are dealing with blue runners from beach, it’s all about when fish come close to shore and how to position yourself close enough to the fish. Many facts could turn against you from line of spinning anglers with heavy rig which spook the fish to bad casting with unfamiliar two-handed rod, which I was going to practice to get things right.

Report 2009

Posted by Neversink