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Games in Miura – Day 1 & 2: Shallow in Moroiso


In the long weekend of 18-20 September, my family stayed at my uncle’s summer house in Miura where I found something glittering in shallow rocky reef down below. So I took my younger son to a walk with his bucket and with my 6wt fly tackle.

Some parts of reef forms shallow pool where I spotted many crescent grunters in various sizes. I tied my bead headed UV midge on #18 hook for some small funs.

Grunter after grunter.

Collaboration of my son’s bucket and my fishing tackle produced a small temporary aquarium.

Later on, I came back and caught 2 needlefish when tide was rising.

On the second day, I took a walk with my older son to a small dock by the reef where I spotted lots of silverside, filefish, and spinefoot. Again, I tied my UV midge and caught few silverside and spinefoot.

I now seriously consider to See here which could give more game with ultra light weight fish who give out small good fight.


Crescent grunter x 10+
Needlefish x 2
Silverside x 5
Spinefoot x 1

Report 2010,Reports

Posted by Neversink