TFFCC Friends’ Benefit
- Receives Newsletter including updates, announcement, and special offers
- Have greater access to TFFCC website’s content
- Can join our Facebook Friends Group (private group) to exchange information
- Gain access to TFFCC Fly Fishing in Japan Forum (coming soon)
TFFCC Friends Rules
You can casually join as “Friends", but please comply to the following rules:
- Sign up with TFFCC with complete profile and receive newsletter
- Join our Facebook Friends’ Group (optional)
- Answering to the request to TFCC activities & events via Facebook or Newsletter
- Ready to participate in club activity and events
- Ready to help the well-being of wildlife including fish and surrounding environment
- Practice catch & release, where appropriate, for the purpose of leaving fishes to other anglers and wildlife who need them
- Respecting people managing fisheries and providing guides and essential tools & material for fly fishing
- Believing in the diversity of people, culture, and value (as long as it doesn’t violate the common sense)
- You do not represent any symbol or sign in believe of hate groups, religious extremism, or terrorism
- Any violation of above will result in the termination of TFFCC Friends status
I Agree and Sign Up as TFFCC Friends
TFFCC Members
TFFCC is currently managed based on donation from the associate companies, loyalty from fly fishing guides, and advertisement income on this website and YouTube channel. Members must provide at least 3 of below each year:
- Keep up communication with members and attend at least once for TFFCC Meeting (annual or periodical)
- Provide/support/participate activity or event that realize TFFCC’s objectives & goals
- Introduce new member to the club and help onboard the person
- Help maingain good communication amongst members
- Make contribution of writing artcle/producing video for TFCC to gain more viewership
- Able to provide fly fishing education and fly fishing equipment to help members learn new things
- Able to make opinion for the improvement of fly fishing as sporting culture by ready to challenge dogmas
- Provide members’ perks in relevant area: fly fishing, outdoor, or country lifestyle
- Provide product or services to help finance TFCC
- Make donation to support the club
- In any case a member finds issues, make sure to work withing members that out reponsiblly to resolve it.
- Any violation of above will result in the termination of TFFCC Members status
Thyroid function and issues The endocrine system plays a vital role in regulating numerous bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, and development. Central to this system’s proper operation is the thyroid gland. However, when discussing Thyroid Function and Issues, it becomes evident that any disruption in its workings can lead to a cascade of health challenges that affect both physical and mental well-being.