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Lake Marunuma, Gunma



One of the earliest Japanese lakes stocked with rainbow trout imported from the US. Just a mountain away from Nikko, Marunuma has been a fishery for trout since late 18th century.

Today, Marunuma is still the hottest spot for trout fishing with plenty of beautiful fish stocked weekly by nearby Shirane Hutchery.


Raibow trout, brown trout, white spotted char, and cherry salmon.


Tactics & Tackles

Fish sticks with where current forms divots. You can find 2 river mouths (they may dry up depending on season) which forms unseen valley underneath the water.

Drop off begins right on the line between power plant and the shore opposite. You may want to try there when the tempreture is too high and you find not much happening in the shallows.

Dam makes the deepest area and the end of current. Occasional rise on surface could be a good chance to try out dry flies.


Lake Marunuma is a privately owned by Hotel Kankoso where you need to pay for fishing liscense.

Open Season 24 April - 30 November
Open Hour Dawn - Dusk
Fishing Permit 2,100 JPY/day per person
1,050 JPY/day under 16
Rental Boat Weekdays: 2,700JPY
Weekends & Holidays: 3,200JPY
(own boat not allowed)
Liscense Office 0278-58-2002 *see also Kankoso Hotel
Regulation No chumming
No camping or bonefire


Kankoso Hotel
or 0278-58-2002

Access by Train (from Tokyo Station)

1. Take Shinkansen Line to Utsunomiya Station
2. Take Nikko Line to Nikko Station
3-a. Take Taxi to Marunuma Kankoso
3-b. Take Tobu Bus all the way to the end, Yumoto Onsen.
4. Take Taxi to Marunuma Kankoso

Access by Car

4 hours from downtown Tokyo.

1) Metropolitan Highway - Oizumi JCT
2) Kanetsu Motorway: Oizumi JCT - Numata IC
3) Route 120: Numata - Marunuma

Please see: http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~marunuma/R120.html

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