Malayan Angling Tour Expeditions
Malaysia stretches over a southern half of Malay Peninsula and a northern half of Borneo connected with Singapore at Johor Bahru. Being located just north of Equator, Malaysia holds over 300 species some of which you can catch by fly fishing method such as peacock bass, jungle perch and saltwater species like Sailfish, GT, queen fish and many more.
Langkawi Island: All Year
(Best is between December and March)
Malaysia is surrounded by two oceans: South China Sea and Andaman Sea. According to Bell, local guide, the best time to go fishing in South China Sea is between February and November. In the Andaman Sea, off Langkawi, the best time is between December and March.
Peacock Bass & Other Freshwater Species: All Year
If you are into freshwater fishing, there are plenty of lakes and rivers holding popular sport fish for anglers. Giant snakehead, jungle perch, and peacock bass are the species that thrives on these man-made lakes.

Sail Fish Off Kuala Rompin: July - October
As far as I know, this is the most expensive, challenging, yet most rewarding expedition you can have on fly fishing. Friend of mine tried three times, but never managed to have hook up lasting til the end . Yet he recalls this was among the best fly fishing experience he had in lifetime.

For more details:
Timing of Arrival/Departure: Kuala Lumpur
All tours can start from Bell picking you up directly from Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
Evening is the best timing to fly in from Tokyo with MH89 (17:05), JL723 (18:10), or D7 529 (16:25) from Narita. So that Bell can pick you up and drop off at the lodge a night prior to fishing trip.
If you don't mind flying in the morning then there is a flight from Haneda: D7 523 arriving at 6:30 am.
As for flying out, afternoon is the best timing so that Bell can take you to the airport after having breakfast. D7 522 to Haneda (14:40) is the best choice, but there are later flights to Narita:
JL724 (22:50), MH88 (23:35), and D7 528 (0:45) all arriving at Narita next morning.
MH70 (10:50) can get you back to Narita at 18:30.
About the Guide: Bell
Bell is a local professional fishing guide operating tour expeditions for lure and fly fishing
guide for freshwater and saltwater fish in Malaysia. Instead of lure fishing, I also provide tour guide for fly fishing in
Malaysia, and
Here is my blog ( for you to see all the
detail about fishing location and guide that i provide. Feel free to
ask me anything about the packages.
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