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Hiro Kunimi

TFFCCメンバー,アングラー,ウェットフライ,フライタイイング,フライタイング,フライフィッシング,プロ タイヤー

I enjoy fly fishing all round in freshwater and saltwater. Spending less time on expedition due COVID pandemic, but that gave me more insight to nearby fields in Kanto Area. I guide fellow anglers most of my outings while seving my time as pro tyier for brands and events.

Fly Patterns is the Paramount in Fly Fishing

My invitation to fly fishing was 37 years ago when every bait failed at rising trout. Ever since my curiosity remains focused on fly. Upon venturing into variety of fields and target species, fly patterns are the most important element for success. I have been flytying for events and magazines feeding back my new development in fisheries in Japan.

I also work as design engineer which led me to supervise stock fisheries.

Combing my experience as pro tyier and fishery supervisor, I am dedicating myself to develop fishing flies to help bring more new comers into the sports while testing how Japanese fly pattersn perform away in overseas fisheries.

Now I would love to work & learn together as team with passionate members and non-members in fly fishing.
