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100 Species on Fly – Chart

Current status: 94 Species of 46 Families
Period: 1995 – 2019


This data is a reflection of particular style of fly fishing which is mostly done DIY during travel over the last 20+ years. I come from water sports, camping, and aquarium hobby background. So, I am opportunistic angler who don’t put too much emphasis on specific sport fish, but optimize fishing session to cover as many varieties as possible. As a matter of fact, I consider my fishing to be Easter egg hunt that I can do by standing in the middle of nature’s aquarium. Rule is to record the latest addition or the largest replacement sample of each species with detail information including location and fly patterns. This post cannot hold the full size table, so please feel free to ask for more details.

Table of Species

[table id=6 /]

Measurement Methods

I use both exact measurement by metrics or Egyptian-like method using organic ruler on my hand.

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  • Metric measure with ruler
  • 20cm = exact length between tips of my thumb and little finger when stretched on my right hand
  • 10cm = exact length between the base of my middle finger and the bottom of my palm on my right hand
  • 8cm = exact length of the width of my palm on right hand
  • 5cm = exact length between the base of my thumb and the base of my index finger on my right hand