Carlos Yokoyama
I started fishing when I was very little on a small stream in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and I was going fishing everyday with my bespoke fishing tackles: cans, small nets , cup... anything available to catch fish. When I turned 5, my father gave me a bamboo rod like the one they use for tenkara and I started my real angling life only few feet away from my home and I remember smiling for thousands of Traíra , Cara, Lambari , Catfish, and many more species I couldn't even name. At 15, I started using the spinning tackle, not to mention I have tried my own invention of something like a reel beside my hand rod to store line, and going after strong Piabas
. It was my main target for the next 5 years on almost every weekend and some weekdays when I jumped out of my room window freeing from my mother on school days with... good spanks to remember it. But it was all bait fishing.
I moved to Japan when I turned 20 and started doing lure fishing on seabass and other fishes.
Then I stoped fishing for some years and focused to work and other things in life. Became a married man and had no fishing time until a friend invited me to trout stocked fishery in 2005 , when I met fly fishing. The guys I was looking at were not even good casters, but it was fascinating to see how line moved and impressed with many fishes they caught and released. Then I went to Tackle Berry and bought my first used fly tackle without asking any guidance and...everything wrong. I matched a 5wt fly rod with 3wt level line
... so stupid but nevertheless very happy resuming favorite sport.
After years went by understanding the why and the philosophy of fly fishing, I have become fly fishing exclusive angler. My main tergets in Japan are kurodai and sea bass at Hamanako area, black bass , trout ,carp , mullet , bluegills , and the most impressive freshwater fish for me ,the TUCUNARÉ (Peacock Bass) only available during summer time at stock fishery: Hamanako Fishing Resort.
My wife became a crazily addicted to fly fishing too, now together we spend 5 days out of a week after working hours, or go out for night game in summer

My wife became a crazily addicted to fly fishing too, now together we spend 5 days out of a week after working hours, or go out for night game in summer
Our fly tackle are stashed inside the car ready to go out anytime.
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