Mangrove Island – Soul Laundry with Fly Fishing


Starting new business is exciting, but wrapping up business yourself is very draining and beat you up like Mike Tyson without being allowed to get off the arena.
Logic doesn't compute and tricks to deceive consciousness won't do much, because your not hit on skin surface you call consciousness, but beaten up into the very deep internal organ you call subconsciousness.

That is exactly when you realize that you need to go back to the very nature of your being and willingly unplug from the grid.
That core character, the magma, or the creature is waiting to be released back into the wild. In my case, it won't take too much, but just hit the road for new challenge.

Watch the Film – 8 minutes English/Japanese  subtitles

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Production Note

Videographer/Angler – Hideto Ed Yoshida

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Report 2015

Posted by Neversink