Get Your Answers in Our Forums


New Spring New Features!

We now re-activated the membership on website and re-launched member features starting with Fly Fishing in Japan Forums. It now starts with 8 forums such as "Visitor Centre" and "Saltwater Fly Fishing" to server right to the point.

It has been rather difficult to point out when someone was asking question on website or Facebook page where things go unnoticed. Forums are built in with function to send notification email to editors and moderators when question is posted, so it should improve our response time greatly.

Any suggestions? Please comment back here or on the forum.
And... please make sure you don't hurt your spine sitting in unjust position!

How to Participate on Forum

Members who want to participate in "Fly Fishing Japan Forum" can log in using your Facebook profile.

Or please register first from the registration page, then wait until you get approved by the administrator. 

この記事のディスカッションに参加する | Join the Discussion

東京フライフィッシング&カントリークラブのFacebook グループ「Friends Lobby」ではメンバー以外の方とのディスカッションも行っています。気になる情報や質問などはこちらまで!


Posted by Neversink